Caulking Destiny

Caulking Destiny

John Zimmer is spending many weeks seamlessly caulking Destiny.  He explains that the process is not about strength, but rather about feeling.  As...

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Black Locust Frames

Black Locust Frames

Local black locust flitches will be used for frames on the Marie Celine. Pete Rust plans to utilize the curves of the wood grain to match the curves...

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Rocky B Launched

Rocky B Launched

The Rocky B launched last week also.  A few last minute details completed and the owners were off to Alaska fishing for Black Cod and Salmon. Dean...

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Singawing Launched

Singawing Launched

When a motoring vessel hit Singawing, the 56-foot staysail schooner,  Shipwright's Coop was called to task.  Chris Brignoli managed the project...

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Tugboat Races Anyone?

Seattle's Maritime Festival begins this Saturday May 14th at 11am in downtown's working waterfront.  Starting at 2 PM, over 30 tugboats will race...

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Marie Celine

Marie Celine

The Marie Celine is a 45 foot Murray Peterson schooner that is currently located in the Big Shop. Project Manager Pete Rust's crew have replaced...

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Destiny is an 83 foot staysail schooner that moved into PT Shipwright's big shop in February. Early this week, Project Manager, Chris Chase and his...

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