Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-Op Blog

Destiny Launch

August 19, 2011

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Destiny returned to the water after three years on land and the celebration was impressive.  Ben set off a canon which he made from Destiny’s old prop shaft.  Dawn tossed a watermelon against the bow.  The 65 foot vessel was lowered, backed up and turned around in limited space with the support of many hands.  It was remarkable to see the Co-op team, sailmakers, owners, their family, friends and bystanders all participating in moving Destiny carefully to her new location.  There is work to be completed over the next many weeks before she sails south.

Destiny Launch

All those who worked to restore Destiny over the past eight months.

Destiny lowered into the water.

Destiny in the water.

The canon lit during the launch.  Ben built it out of Destiny’s old prop shaft.

Chris had quite the task of coordinating the many people for what turned out to be a smooth transition for Destiny.

Destiny being backed up and turned around.

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  1. debraswan

    It’s great to hear from you Dawn! We are glad that you all had a great winter aboard Destiny.

  2. Dawn Hilliard

    Thank you to everyone who worked on the long and tedious project of doing a complete refit of a 78 yr old schooner! Now, after being in the water 6 months and spending the past 4 months of the winter 2011/2012 in the northern Canadian Islands, DESTINY is still looking great.