Amak Transforms

Amak Transforms

Maintenance, repairs, bulwarks, planking and caulking are completed and the transformation of this retired tugboat is underway.  Clinton removed many structures, using great strength to demolition parts of the boat that have existed for almost a century.  There are...
Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest returned to PTSC for a systems overhaul during the spring.  For 5 months Chris Brignoli led a team of shipwrights in the process of removing, rebuilding and installing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.   This immense mechanical job had the...
Amak Restoration Underway

Amak Restoration Underway

The Amak returned to Shipwrights Co-op in May for some repairs and potential reconstruction project.  Here are pictures taken over the past six weeks.  The crew is focused on repairs while boat designer, Les Schnick, develops plans for a refit from commercial tugboat...