Orion’s Back!

Orion’s Back!

Orion of Deep Green Wilderness has returned to Port Townsend Shipwright’s Co-op for it’s annual boat maintenance.  One of the items on their punch list is painting the bottom and top of this 1934 wooden yawl.  Project Manager, Chris Chase, was pleased to...
Misty Moon Under Construction

Misty Moon Under Construction

Misty Moon arrived to Port Townsend Shipwright’s Co-op in February to undergo boat repair.  The project includes electrical, mechanical, and systems work while modifying the fish hold configuration from four small holds to two larger holds.  I spoke with...
Amak’s Pristine Cabin Top

Amak’s Pristine Cabin Top

For a part of the boat that few will ever see, Amak’s team of shipwright’s still provides the highest quality craftsmanship.  After Dan fiberglassed the cabin top and overhang, Jim Lyons and Mike Rust added covering boards and are now putting finishing...
Schooner Martha’s New Ballast

Schooner Martha’s New Ballast

That large timber sitting on the ground at the Shipwright’s Co-op, just beyond the Schooner Martha, a few weeks ago has been dramatically transformed into the new keel for Martha.  The ballast was poured in Seattle and installed this week.  The pouring was well...