Martha’s New Boomkin End Cap

Martha’s New Boomkin End Cap

Schooner Martha is getting a new paint job this week and new hardware as well.  Port Townsend Foundry is making beautiful new pieces for Martha.  Here is a boomkin end cap that carries the backstay and boomkin stay to the transom. It was recently poured at the foundry...

Deep Green Wilderness

One of our long time clients, Kevin Campion of Deep Green Wilderness, has posted a fantastic film, Deep Green, about his programs aboard Orion.  The 1934 built wooden yawl was restored at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op in 2010 and returns each winter for new bottom...
Orion’s Back!

Orion’s Back!

Orion of Deep Green Wilderness has returned to Port Townsend Shipwright’s Co-op for it’s annual boat maintenance.  One of the items on their punch list is painting the bottom and top of this 1934 wooden yawl.  Project Manager, Chris Chase, was pleased to...
Schooner Martha’s New Ballast

Schooner Martha’s New Ballast

That large timber sitting on the ground at the Shipwright’s Co-op, just beyond the Schooner Martha, a few weeks ago has been dramatically transformed into the new keel for Martha.  The ballast was poured in Seattle and installed this week.  The pouring was well...
The Schooner Martha

The Schooner Martha

Schooner Martha, the oldest operating sailboat in Washington, is hauled out at the Shipwright’s Co-op for a Ballast Keel Replacement.  The Schooner Martha Foundation received a historic preservation grant and donations to make this exciting project possible....