Flying Swan

Flying Swan

Flying Swan is a complete rebuild for Pete Rust and Greg Fredricks.  It is a beautiful process to observe the great attention to detail and fine craftsmanship that is required for a project of this magnitude.  
Wind Energy

Wind Energy

Matt Mortenson has installed wind power for Destiny.  There are two D-400 Energy 72 volt wind generators.  The maximum power output rating is 600 plus watts.  235 watts 16.31 amps at 22 knots wind speed.  420 watts 29.16 amps at 28 knots wind speed.
Solar Panels Installed

Solar Panels Installed

Destiny’s solar array is both stationary and mobile to allow for a total of 12 panels.  Six panels are rack mounted on sliding frames to increase surface area during moored or docked situations.  The panels are 12 215 watt Sanyo HIT-N215A01 mono crystalline...
Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

When used conservatively, the electrical system aboard Destiny is being designed to provide an indefinite power supply through green energy.  Solar and wind provide enough power to run large appliances such as the refrigerator, air conditioner, laundry machine, lights...
Traditional Handmade Sails for Destiny

Traditional Handmade Sails for Destiny

The women at Port Townsend Sails made nine sails for Destiny during the month of August.  Each sail is unique and required special attention to detail in the design and construction.  The owner of PT Sails, Carol Hasse, visited Shipwright’s Co-op to make...