Flying Swan

Flying Swan

Flying Swan is a complete rebuild for Pete Rust and Greg Fredricks.  It is a beautiful process to observe the great attention to detail and fine craftsmanship that is required for a project of this magnitude.  


The Muskrat arrived to the Shipwright’s Co-op after it was hit by a 100 foot crabber while docked in Kodiak, Alaska.  Project Manager, Martin Mills, is working with Greg Laubach and Dean Bozack to determine what needs to be repaired.  They have begun by removing...
Destiny Launch

Destiny Launch

Destiny returned to the water after three years on land and the celebration was impressive.  Ben set off a canon which he made from Destiny’s old prop shaft.  Dawn tossed a watermelon against the bow.  The 65 foot vessel was lowered, backed up and turned around...