Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-Op Blog


November 16, 2012

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The newest member of Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op, Zeke McFadin, built a sailing vessel when he was 20 years old.  He named the boat “Ness”.  It took him six years to build the steel hull, a Tahitiana Ketch.   In 2000, when the boat was completed, Zeke sailed Ness to Mexico and Hawaii.  A few years later, on his wedding day, he sold the boat.  Now, years later, Zeke discovered that Ness was for sale and bought it back last month.  Zeke plans to take care of some maintenance, paint and varnish.  His family is looking forward to sailing in the San Juan Islands and the Gulf Islands this year.

Zeke McFadin, Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op Member, standing next to the steel sailing vessel he built in 1994.

Zeke McFadin, Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op Member, standing next to Ness, the Tahitiana Ketch he built when he was twenty years old.

Ness, Tahitiana sailing vessel, built by Zeke McFadin, completed in 2000.

Ness took six years to build and was completed in 2000.

Ness, Tahitiana sailing vessel, built by Zeke McFadin, completed in 2000.

Zeke sailed Ness to Mexico and Hawaii in 2000.

Ness, Tahitiana sailing vessel, built by Zeke McFadin, completed in 2000.


Ness, Tahitiana steel hull, built by Zeke McFadin, hauled out for paint and varnish.

Ness is now hauled out at Shipwrights Co-op for maintenance, paint and varnish.

Ness, Tahitiana steel hull, built by Zeke McFadin, hauled out for paint and varnish.

Ness, Tahitiana steel hull, built by Zeke McFadin, hauled out for maintenance, paint and varnish.

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