Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-Op Blog

Spirit Quest

September 7, 2011

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Spirit Quest returned to PTSC for a systems overhaul during the spring.  For 5 months Chris Brignoli led a team of shipwrights in the process of removing, rebuilding and installing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.   This immense mechanical job had the shipwrights managing incredibly heavy equipment and managing the complex group of wires, pipes, and tubes that keep Spirit Quest functioning well.

Spirit Quest

Here is the engine completed in August.  Chris, Adam, and Dean used an A Frame to lower it into the boat.  They shaped and sealed the alignment of the engine and completed final installation of plumbing and electrical.  

Spirit Quest

Chris meticulously organizes and labels all systems.  Here is the electrical board, the oil change pump for the generator and main engine, hydrolic tank and cooling system.

Spirit Quest

The engine room empty. Two large fuel tanks were located on each side of the engine.  They were taken apart piece by piece to remove them from the boat.

Spirit Quest

After Greg fabricated new fuel tanks, Chris, Matt, and Adam installed them.  Here is Chris maneuvering one tank into position for installment.

Spirit Quest

Adam had a half inch to spare between the fuel tanks and the entry, as they lowered them into Spirit Quest.

Spirit Quest

Fuel tanks installed.

Spirit Quest

 The front cabin has a hydrolic manifold for the windlass and thruster, as well as hydronic heating for beneath the bed and in the closet.

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