The women at Port Townsend Sails made nine sails for Destiny during the month of August. Each sail is unique and required special attention to detail in the design and construction. The owner of PT Sails, Carol Hasse, visited Shipwright’s Co-op to make measurements and returned to the sail loft where this large project would be completed. The traditional hand work and craftsmanship by these women far surpass any type of sailmaking world wide. To learn more about Port Townsend Sails, refer to: Below Halie maneuvers an ocean of heavy canvas working on the Main Sail, Joey seizes on thimbles for the jackline, and Kim is tying one of the many hanks on a very big sail, measuring 535 square feet. Kim keeps the threads smooth, preventing crossed stitches. This meticulous handwork is beautiful and more importantly, makes the sail stronger too.
Reflections on 2021
As 2021 comes to a close and we reflect on this year, we would like to thank everyone for all the support during another unusual year. This year marks our 40th-anniversary of repairing, constructing, and maintaining all types of boats. We’ve come quite a ways from building our original