30th Anniversary Celebration

30th Anniversary Celebration

Last Friday the Shipwright’s Co-op celebrated their 30th Anniversary.  Four hundred guests enjoyed delicious tuna from the Carol M, along with lots of other great food.  Children jumped about in the bouncy castle and later danced to music by Joe Crecca and the...
Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest returned to PTSC for a systems overhaul during the spring.  For 5 months Chris Brignoli led a team of shipwrights in the process of removing, rebuilding and installing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.   This immense mechanical job had the...
Swell Rider

Swell Rider

Paul Daniels brought Swell Rider to the Shipwright’s Co-op three weeks ago.  In this short time project manager, Todd Lee and his team repaired the shaft, barring, and propeller, removed 20,000 pounds of obsolete refrigeration equipment, sandblasted and painted...
Destiny Launch

Destiny Launch

Destiny returned to the water after three years on land and the celebration was impressive.  Ben set off a canon which he made from Destiny’s old prop shaft.  Dawn tossed a watermelon against the bow.  The 65 foot vessel was lowered, backed up and turned around...