

Farewell, a seiner fishing vessel, is hauled out at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op for repairs. Project Manager, Ben Tyler, has enlarged and fabricated two new hatches on deck and installed an 8 inch sonar tube.  Other work will include, plumbing, electrical, thru...
St. John’s New Deck

St. John’s New Deck

The long-liner St. John II is hauled out at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op for work while off season.  Greg Fredricks and Paul Van Dyke pulled up the original deck from the 1940’s.  They layed, bunged, and faired a the new well-deck of larch.  They  This week...
Nona S

Nona S

Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op is leasing additional space to house the Nona S and Erickson 38.  The Nona S, is getting a new deck with purple heart beams, a plywood overlay and fiberglass.  In 1976, Nona S, a Skookum 52, was  built in the same building it is now...