I.F. Mariner

I.F. Mariner

I.F. Mariner is hauled out at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op for a transformation from a Canadian logging vessel to a tender just in time for summer.  The currently dry hold will now be skinned and glassed for the new fish hold.  Project Lead, Jim Lyons, says the...
St. John’s New Deck

St. John’s New Deck

The long-liner St. John II is hauled out at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op for work while off season.  Greg Fredricks and Paul Van Dyke pulled up the original deck from the 1940’s.  They layed, bunged, and faired a the new well-deck of larch.  They  This week...
Glacier Spirit

Glacier Spirit

Puget Sound Express hauled out their vessel, Glacier Spirit, at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op for annual maintenance.  They will be back in the water for December’s festive Christmas Tours to Seattle and the Christmas Ship Parade.  Each time the vessel is...


The newest member of Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op, Zeke McFadin, built a sailing vessel when he was 20 years old.  He named the boat “Ness”.  It took him six years to build the steel hull, a Tahitiana Ketch.   In 2000, when the boat was completed, Zeke...