St. John’s New Deck

St. John’s New Deck

The long-liner St. John II is hauled out at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op for work while off season.  Greg Fredricks and Paul Van Dyke pulled up the original deck from the 1940’s.  They layed, bunged, and faired a the new well-deck of larch.  They  This week...
Nona S

Nona S

Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op is leasing additional space to house the Nona S and Erickson 38.  The Nona S, is getting a new deck with purple heart beams, a plywood overlay and fiberglass.  In 1976, Nona S, a Skookum 52, was  built in the same building it is now...
New Planks for the Navy Whale Boat

New Planks for the Navy Whale Boat

The restoration of The Navy Whale Boat, The Defender, is busy with planking at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op.   The cap rails, combing,  and shearline are now complete.  The owner Scott has learned to plank from Project Manager, Pete Rust.  He and his son Tristan...
The Navy Whale Boat Update

The Navy Whale Boat Update

The restoration of the Navy Whale Boat  is an amazing transformation to watch at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op.  Pete Rust has installed the shear strake, the blocking and the bulkheads.  The vessel’s owner and his son, Tristan, come often to work on the boat...


Orion, Deep Green Wilderness’ 64 foot wooden yawl is back at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op  for annual maintenance and woodwork.  The sailing vessel is located in close quarters with the Navy Whale Boat.  Owner, Kevin Campion and Cheif Mate, Kris Day worked on...