Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-Op Blog

The Muskrat is Close to Completion

February 22, 2012

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The Muskrat bustles with shipwrights weekly and the transformation has been impressive.  Here is a progression of photographs taken during the past many weeks.

Fuel Tank Replacement for Scow

An 800 gallon fuel tank was fabricated by Greg.  Here Martin maneuvers the tank, in order to deliver it back onboard.

Matthew installs the new fuel tank.

Matthew Martz secures the new fuel tank.

Greg installs new frames for holding tank.

Greg installs new frames for holding tank.

Dave welding new holding tank for Muskrat.

Dave welded new frames for the holding tank.

Leigh replaces keel bolts

Leigh removes planks that were damaged when the boat was hit.

Sole replacement

The deck torn open and ready for new timber replacement.

Jeff caulks new deck.

Planking completed, Jeff and Chris refastened and caulked the new deck.

Greg lays quarter inch steel deck.

Greg installs the quarter inch steel plate.  

New steel deck completed.

The new deck and hull is almost ready for fish holds.

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