Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-Op Blog


May 16, 2013

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Rod Miller had his gillnetter, Tri-umph, hauled out at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op this spring.  Now it is back in the water and the shipwrights are running sea trials today.  Martin Mills, managed the project installing 3 new engines, 355 horsepower Cummins engines that drive Hamilton jets.  With the engines computerized, new wiring was mounted by Matt Henderson for the display on the dash.  A portion of the vessel’s side had a new aluminum piece welded and replaced by Martin and Paul Van Dyke.

Tri-umph operates out of Bristol Bay in Naknek, Alaska, fishing for Sockeye Salmon.  Rod is a second generation fisherman, who bought his first boat when he was just 19 years old.  He has owned ten boats during his career since.  Currently he operates Rocky B, Oogruk, and Tri-umph, fishing halibut, black cod, salmon, crab, and sometimes albacore; using gillnetters, longliners, pots, and jigs.  He and his crew are very hands-on.  He believes this to be a safety issue, emphasizing the importance of understanding how his boats work, in order to properly trouble shoot when necessary out at sea.  They have handled some of the mechanical work along side the Shipwrights Co-op.  Rod’s two sons also fish in Bristol Bay.  His son Erin owns DoubleD’s vessel and Heath, a firefighter, fishes seasonally with Erin.  We wish them all a great fishing season!

Rod Miller aboard his gillnetter, Tri-umph at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op for mechanical, electrical, metal work.

Rod Miller aboard his gillnetter, Tri-umph at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op, running sea trials after receiving mechanical, electrical, and metal work.

Martin Mills, managed the project, installing 3 new 355 horsepower Cummins engines.

Martin Mills, managed the project, installing 3 new 355 horsepower Cummins engines.

Truimph at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op.

Truimph at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op.

Portion of the vessel was replaced by Martin and Paul Van Dyke welding.

Side portion of Tri-umph was replaced by Martin and Paul Van Dyke, who welded new aluminum in place.

Truimph's display on dash now has new wiring by Matt Henderson.

Truimph’s dash is newly wired by Matt Henderson.

Panel with new wiring by Matt Henderson.

Panel with new wiring by Matt Henderson.

Tri-umph ready for sea trials after boat work at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op.

Tri-umph ready for sea trials after boat work at Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op.

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